Table of Contents



Edward Te Kohu Douglas


Social Determinant Of Health-A Cycle Of Cumulative Causation

Dr Paparangi Reid, Director, Eru Pomare Maori Research Centre


A Long Term Vision Of Maori Health: Key Contributing Factors

Professor Mason Durie, Professor of Maori Studies, Massey University


Facilitating Community Involvement, Community Action And Community

Control Maori Health

Diane Gibson, Chief Executive Officer, Ngati Porou Hauora


Giving Priority To Maori Needs: Developing Maori Health Agendas-Looking

Beyond The Short Term Political Expediency

The Hon. Tariana Turia, Associate Minister of Health & Maori Affairs


Inter Sector Collaboration To Enhance Maori Health Development-Getting

Everyone In The Same Waka

Rahera Ohia, Acting Manager Social Policy &

Grant Allan, Senior Policy Analyst, Te Puni Kokiri


The Importance Of Public Health Approaches In Influencing Lifestyle Changes

Dr Tony Ruakere, Chief Advisor, (Maori Health) Ministry of Health


Developing A Comprehensive Framework For Health Service Delivery That Meets

A Range Of Needs

Inez Kingi, Maori Health League & Tunohopu Health Centre


“Closing The Gaps” With A Comprehensive, Wide Ranging, Empowering And

Inclusive Approach To Maori Health

John Tamahere, M.P.


The Treaty As The Political Rationale For Articulating And Progressing

Maori Perspectives In Health

Rob Cooper, Director-General (Maori Health) Health Funding Authority


Planning For What Maori Health Should Look Like In 2020

Professor Colin Mantell, HOD Maori & Pacific Health, Auckland School of Medicine