


1.             Maori Land Tenure And Its Place In The New Century

                Rev. Dr David Williams, Law School, University of Auckland


2.        Collective Ownership By Hapu And Iwi Versus Ownership

By Allotments/Shares- What Are The Implications

Annette Sykes, Partner, Rangitauira & Co


3.         Indigenous Peoples, Self-Determination And Economic Development

      Mililani B. Trask, Trustee at Large, Office of Hawaiian Affairs


4.         The Maori Land Courts And The Future – Setting Goals For 2020

Deputy Chief Judge Wilson Isaac, Maori Land Court


5.             Rating Maori Land-Past Trends And Future Directions

                Derek Tini Fox, Mayor, Wairoa District Council


6.         The Future Of The Maori Trustee

Andrea Williams, Finance Comptroller & David McPhail, Legal Advisor

The Maori Trustee Office


7.         Maori Land And Forestry

Ian Boyd, Chief Operating Officer, Fletcher Challenge Forests


8.             Maori Land And Land Valuations

                Kingi Smiler, Land Management Consultant &


9.          Implications Of Dealing With Maori Land For Local And Regional Governments

Hon Sandra Lee, Minister of Local Government & Assoc. Maori Affairs


10            Investment In Maori Land

               Wi Huata


11.         Investment In Maori Land

            Hon Tuariki John Delamere


12.       Maori Land Trusts And Incorporations – Where Are We Going

   Willie Te Aho, Manager Partner Relations, Carter Holt Harvey


13.          Maori Land And Economic Development-Setting Goals And Strategies For 2020

               Hon. Parekura Horomia, Associate Minister of Maori Affairs

                Angeline Greensill, Lecturer in Geography, University of Waikato

            Josephine Anderson, Claimant, Wai 51

            Colin Knox, Te Wananga o Raukawa