F.I.R.S.T. Foundation
Foundation For Indigenous Research In Society & Technology
Nga Kaitaunaki Rangahau Iwi Tuatahi, Puta I Te Ao
Foundation is primarily a
philanthropic trust. The aims of the Foundation are clear:
commission and facilitate research into issues of interest and concern
to indigenous people everywhere.
promote informed public discussion of these same issues, at which indigenous
voices are heard.
Aotearoa, the Foundation has embarked upon an exciting and ambitious programme
NGAI TATOU 2020 (ALL OF US TOGETHER, 2020) which will involve
commissioning research papers from leading-edge thinkers and practitioners,
and arranging future wananga where these are publicly addressed and discussed
by informed people of goodwill, whether indigenous or non-indigenous.
TATOU 2020 will encourage indigenous people to articulate the Aotearoa/New
Zealand they want their mokopuna to inherit. In the public arena, such
views will be open to discussion and critical analysis.
Primary Functions and Activities
F.I.R.S.T. Foundation promotes the belief that Indigenous peoples
can offer genuine alternatives to the current dominant form of development.
However, what is more important than what alternatives indigenous people
offer the world is what alternatives indigenous people offer each other.
The FIRST Foundation in recognising this understands and
promotes the principle that strategies that work for one community may
well work for another and the gains made in one context may be usefully
applied in another.
the sharing of resources and information the Foundation assists
groups and communities to collaborate with each other in the development
of national and international protocols and strategic alliances to provide
a more sustained critique of practices. The Foundation promotes
the spiritual, creative and political resources that indigenous
peoples can draw from each other to provide alternatives for each other.
Foundation recognises through its processes the importance of storytelling,
oral histories, the perspectives of elders and of women which are an integral
part of all indigenous research. Each individual story is powerful , but
the point about the stories is not that they simply tell a story, or tell
a story simply but that these stories contribute to a collective story
in which every indigenous person has a place.
Foundation promotes a strategy where indigenous people are asked to bind
together politically in a strategy which asks that people imagine a future,
that they rise above present day situations which are generally depressing,
dream a new dream and set a new vision
at events is one of the most efficient mediums for stimulating information
flows, educating people quickly about issues and creating extensive international
talking circles. The Foundation believes that through its programmes it
will assist build networks to build knowledge and data bases based on
the principles of relationships and connections
are the ones who have the answers to their own problems and the Foundation
aims to ensure that the various agencies and government do not dismiss
their ideas
Foundation seeks to enhance and develop research partnerships to develop
a trained work force through mentoring and guidance to learn from the
past, to confront the present and plan for the future.
Guidelines For Research
These guidelines have been developed to help ensure that, in all research
sponsored by The F.I.R.S.T Foundation on Indigenous Peoples, appropriate
respect is given to the cultures, languages, knowledge and values of Indigenous
peoples, and to the standards used by Indigenous peoples to legitimate
These guidelines represent the standard of "best practice" adopted by
The Foundation.
Indigenous peoples have distinctive perspectives and understandings, deriving
from their cultures and histories and embodied in Indigenous languages.
Research that has Indigenous experience as its subject matter must reflect
these perspectives and understandings.
the past, research concerning Indigenous peoples has usually been initiated
outside the Indigenous community and carried out by non-Indigenous personnel.
Indigenous people have had almost no opportunity to correct misinformation
or to challenge ethnocentric and racist interpretations. Consequently,
the existing body of research, which normally provides a reference point
for new research, must be open to reassessment.
that is transmitted orally in the cultures of Indigenous peoples must
be acknowledged as a valuable research resource along with documentary
and other sources. The means of validating knowledge in the particular
traditions under study should normally be applied to establish authenticity
of orally transmitted knowledge.
research portraying community life, the multiplicity of viewpoints present
within Indigenous communities should be represented fairly, including
viewpoints specific to age and gender groups.
have an obligation to understand and observe the protocol concerning communications
within any Indigenous community
have an obligation to observe ethical and professional practices relevant
to their respective disciplines.
Foundation and its researchers undertake to accord fair treatment to all
persons participating in Foundation research.
In all research sponsored by the Foundation, researchers shall conscientiously
address themselves to the following questions:
- Are
there perspectives on the subject of inquiry that are distinctively
- What
Indigenous sources are appropriate to shed light on those perspectives?
- Is
proficiency in an Indigenous language required to explore these perspectives
and sources?
- Are
there particular protocols or approaches required to access the relevant
- Does
Indigenous knowledge challenge in any way assumptions brought to the
subject from previous research?
- How
will Indigenous knowledge or perspectives portrayed in research products
be validated?
consent shall be obtained from all persons and groups participating in
research. Such consent may be given by individuals whose personal
experience is being portrayed, by groups in assembly, or by authorised
representatives of communities or organisations.
should ordinarily be obtained in writing. Where this is not practical,
the procedures used in obtaining consent should be recorded.
or groups participating in research shall be provided with information
about the purpose and nature of the research activities, including expected
benefits and risks.
pressure shall be applied to induce participation in research.
should be informed that they are free to withdraw from the research at
any time.
should be informed of the degree of confidentiality that will be maintained
in the study.
consent of parents or guardian and, where practical, of children should
be obtained in research involving children.
studies located principally in Indigenous communities, researchers shall
establish collaborative procedures to enable community representatives
to participate in the planning, execution and evaluation of research results.
studies that are carried out in the general community and that are likely
to affect particular Indigenous communities, consultation on planning,
execution and evaluation of results shall be sought through appropriate
Indigenous bodies In community-based studies, researchers shall ensure
that a representative cross-section of community experiences and perceptions
is included.
convening of advisory groups to provide guidance on the conduct of research
shall not pre-empt the procedures laid down in this part but shall supplement
of research results shall be solicited both in the Indigenous community
and in the scholarly community prior to publication.
to Research Results
Foundation shall maintain a policy of open public access to final reports
of research activities.
may be circulated in draft form, where scholarly and Indigenous community
response at this stage is deemed useful for Foundation purposes.
reports or parts thereof shall not be published where there are reasonable
grounds for thinking that publication will violate the privacy of individuals
or cause significant harm to participating Indigenous communities or organisations.
of community research shall be distributed as widely as possible within
participating communities, and reasonable efforts shall be made to present
results in non-technical language and Indigenous languages where appropriate.
setting research priorities and objectives for community-based research,
the Foundation and the researchers it engages shall give serious and due
consideration to the benefit of the community concerned.
assessing community benefit, regard shall be given to the widest possible
range of community interests, whether the groups in question be Indigenous
or non-Indigenous, and also to the impact of research at the local, regional
or national level.
possible, conflicts between interests within the community should be identified
and resolved in advance of commencing the project.
should be equipped to draw on a range of problem-solving strategies to
resolve such conflicts as may arise in the course of research.
possible research should support the transfer of skills to individuals
and increase the capacity of the community to manage its own research.
guidelines shall be included in all research contracts with individuals,
groups, agencies, organisations and communities conducting research sponsored
by the Foundation.
shall be the responsibility, in the first instance, of all researchers
to observe these guidelines conscientiously.
shall be the responsibility, in ascending order, of researchers and the
Foundation itself to monitor the implementation of the guidelines and
to make decisions regarding their interpretation and application.
in the opinion of the researcher the nature of the research or local circumstances
make these guidelines or any part of them inapplicable, such exception
shall be reported to the Foundation through the Trustees, and the exception
shall be noted in the research contract or contract amendments as well
as in any publication resulting from the research.